Sunday, December 7, 2014

Not Sure if I'm Ready for January

The last month has been absolutely crazy! We recently moved into a new house.  We started the move over the Thanksgiving holiday and are still moving stuff out of our old house.  It's taking significantly longer than I thought it would.  Unfortunately, living in chaos has prevented me from doing so many things I wanted to do before the embryo transfer in January. I'm not eating as healthy as I would like because my kitchen is a complete disaster.  I haven't had a the ability to exercise because my treadmill and elliptical are blocked by too many boxes.  I think it is going to take at least another week to get our house together before I can get back into my routine. Having a baby in the house hasn't helped speed things up either;)

I'm beginning to think we may need to postpone our donor embryo transfer another month.  Maybe reschedule for later February.  I'm not sure how this will go over with Reprofit.  My counselor indicated in her last email that the embryos were reserved until the first week of February.  I'm not sure if I will lose them if I postpone.  I'm sure there will be other donor embryo's that meet our criteria.  Although, I feel connected to them already and I'm not sure I want to lose them.  However, I feel so overwhelmed that I'm not sure I'm mentally ready for everything to happen next month.  And, I still have to get through the Christmas and New Year's craziness...ugh.  I haven't even started my Christmas shopping. 

I truly feel that my overall state of mind will have a lot to do with a successful embryo transfer.  Before my last transfer I promised myself that I would relax and have fun.  I deliberately planned take in some sightseeing and make the trip a well deserved vacation.  We had a great time and I was in very good spirits when the procedure took place.  My husband was in a good place as well.  I believe that all of this helped lead us to a successful transfer.  I'd hate to take a chance and risk an unsuccessful procedure. 

I will sleep on it, but I've also sent an email to the consultant to gauge her thoughts on the matter.  Once I hear back from her I will let you know what I have decided to do. 

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