Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Back to Brno for a sibling!

My husband and I have decided to start planning for a sibling for our daughter! I'm not getting any younger and I'm determined for my daughter to have a brother or sister.   However, we've decided that I may be making this IVF abroad trip alone.  Since it took two IVF procedures last time before we had a successful transfer, we would like to try and save money in case we have to go back.  By going alone, I only need to buy one airplane ticket. I also save on food and travel expenses since I do not plan to do any sightseeing.  Essentially, we plan on this being a quick in and out trip. 

For this donor embryo transfer we made arrangements directly through Reprofit International in the Czech Republic, instead of using an outside consultant. It was much easier then we thought it would be.  We went directly to the Reprofit website and found their list of contacts. The clinic has flags next to each consultant's name indicating the languages they speak.  I clicked on the "Send an Email" link under the name of one their English speaking contacts.  A window appeared on my screen.  I typed in our message explaining our intentions and hit SEND.  The message was a couple of sentences explaining that we were seeking an embryo transfer with the clinic. Within an hour we had a response in my Inbox.  

The first email I received included a brief message from the fertility clinic about the IVF donor embryo services they provide including an attachment.  In the document was a list of questions for us to answer regarding our physical characteristics, each question specific to our hair and eye coloring, blood types and education.  In the notes section, we were able to describe our donor embryo preferences. We sent the document back to Reprofit. A day later the clinic sent along their offer for donor embryo's available.  From the options provided we made our selection and sent an email back with our decision. It was that easy..I have no idea what I was scared of the last two times we did this.

In the following email exchange we made arrangements for when the IVF donor embryo procedure will take place.  We have decided to wait until January.  The clinic says that they will hold on to the embryo's for us until then.  Our contact also included the IVF stimulation protocol information in the email.  I will follow this protocol as we get closer to the IVF procedure.  

Essentially, an IVF donor embryo protocol includes instructions for when to start taking the hormones necessary to stimulate your uterus for the frozen embryo transfer. Both Estrogen and Progesterone will prepare my uterine lining for embryo implantation.  I must follow the instructions to the letter to make sure the IVF procedure can take place.  If I miss anything, the frozen embryo transfer may have to be cancelled.  So it is very important that I follow the directions exactly as they have been explained.  

So at this point, I've started the process!  I have reserved our embryo's for the transfer which is scheduled to take place late  January.  Now I need to make my flight reservations, arrange my hotel stay and get my body ready for the transfer.  Easier said than done.  However, we are very excited and plan to document EVERYTHING!!!  

If you are in the process of making arrangements for IVF or your thinking about embryo donation, and need some suggestions or someone just to talk to, please feel free to leave me a comment and I will get back to you! You can send your emails to WetravelledforIVf@gmail.com...until next time!


  1. Hello
    I'm almost sure that I'm going to go to Reprofit at the end of March, and would love someone to talk to! Do you have an email address that I can use? LJ

    1. Please feel free to send me an email to WeTravelledforIVF@gmail.com. I tried responding earlier but did not realize that it did not go through. I apologize for the delay. J~
